
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

winter update

Well, I'm glad I haven't made any promises about this blog...seeing as how I only update it once a month...

Things in the Dragoo home are going well- we've decorated for the holiday and have our first married Christmas tree in the window of our apartment. Will's favorite time of the year is Christmas time... and while I'm a stickler for "No Christmas before Thanksgiving," I have tried my best to make Christmas a big deal. This means decorating the day after Thanksgiving and even sleeping to the sounds of Christmas. It is exciting, however, to be celebrating our first married Christmas and to begin our own traditions. While I love Thanksgiving and consider it the best holiday, I can see my love for Christmas has grown as a direct result of my husband. The joys of becoming Mrs. Dragoo. :)

We've recently been discussing the big decision of getting a dog. We've both gone back and forth with it... I'm worried about the finances...while the hubs is worried about the time/energy. Either way, we know it'll mean more time and sacrifices. We actually went to a shelter to look at dogs and talk with them about an "apartment dog." (Some people think it's cruel to make dogs live in an apartment...). We didn't find "our dog" that day at the shelter but it was reassuring to me that we'll know when we find the right dog...and we definitley want to rescue (to save costs, but also because those dogs need a home...and mutes are usually healthier dogs). I know Will and I are praying about it- because while it's not a huge decision- it is a big one for us- and one we want to take very seriously.

On top of this debate, my family decided to put down our childhood dog...something that broke all of our hearts. None of us have had to make that decision before but I'm thankful Will's family had gone through it (as many have) and could give me comfort and peace about the decision. She was 16.5 years old and just wasn't the dog we knew growing up. I'm thankful I could have gone with her (Penelope was her name- I love it, thankful to my big sis for it) and my dad to the vet...but it was definitely one of the hardest days. This obviously put a hault on the dog search for me...hard to imagine going through that again.

Other than that... it's been a busy month for us. After 3 Thanksgiving meals (12, 2, and 4pm)- we've kinda not stopped. December is usually always busy with Nutcracker- but not this year (still bittersweet for me...can you tell I hate change?!) but this year it's just busy with social things- which we both love. We're loving our church and our small group so that's been fun! Had a few people over and hoping to have more within the month. I'm very thankful for my husband for many reasons- but one of those is his love for relationships and people. Most people would hate "double-booking" social events but he just rolls with it. But, he is also good and looking at me and saying "We need rest." Another thing I'm thankful for...

I hope all is well with you this holiday season... We're going through different Christmas movies this month...including a couple different Nutcracker performances. Our most recent debate is rather Home Alone 2 is better than Home Alone. I always love the original...but to each their own. ;)

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

one of those days...

Have you ever had one of those days? Where you're senses are like super senstitive? You're wide awake and everything seems to click- there is no fogginess? It's more than a good mood...its a great outlook on things...?? I don't think I'm explaining it well...but it's a feeling I get every once in awhile...

It's like usual, I have 100 things going on in my brain but they all seem more clear or something...

There isn't too much else to say about it... except that I like these days/moments because it helps me have a better perspective on my life. When it seems I'm increasingly forgetful these days, it's nice to know I haven't completely lost it.

I still seem to have a hard time making decisions but with prayer and trust, I'll make it...

Tonight is a night of entertaining for the new Dragoos before the Sufjan Stevens concert at Track29 here in the Noog. I'm making pimento cheese burgers (for the first time, evah)... hoping it all goes well!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


happy tuesday!

well, we had a wonderful weekend in athens and we finished the race! Will ran great and had a strong race... I, on the other hand, well... didn't feel strong- but what is important is Will... he is even considering another half-marathon in the sometime future...

we had a great time on our first "married couples trip" though and hope there are more in the future. i'm thankful not only to have gone to the university of georgia- but also to have gone to a college in such a fun town like athens. it is definitely one of my favorite places!

now that the race is over...and training is over... i've got a strong itch. "Itch?" yes, itch.

What Do I Do With My Time Now? What Goals Must I Set? What Must I Accomplish Next?
(Will I run another half soon? Will I run in another race? Will I go back to school? Will I just take classes? Will I take an administrative test instead? The list goes on...and on...)

they plague my thoughts daily... well, they already plagued me before the race but now it is even more frequent.

as a newly married woman (6 months last Sunday, to be exact), i'm finding it harder to live in that place called denial (ain't just a river in egypt...). thankfully, marriage is a daily reminder of how selfish and flawed we actually are... and poor Will has to help guide me.

news flash: i find my worth in my accomplishments (sometimes failures)... this is bad!

example: my "bad" race on Sunday (which i almost let overshadow my husband's accomplishment) seemed to shatter my life (exaggeration). i was inconsolable. i felt like a failure.

i'm so thankful i have a husband who is not only encouraging, but who also shows me (daily) why i need Jesus. regardless of how any race goes, any meal turns out, or how many silly mistakes i make, God still loves me and more importantly, is sovereign. He is over all things in my life and sadly, i don't trust Him enough.

so as i fight to figure out what "to do with my life," i hope to be more prayerful than worryful and more trusting than fearful. i also hope the source of my worth is not from anything worldly but from everything Godly. please feel free to pray for me as well...

i'm thankful for my hubs who challenges me and for a God who provides for me (in His perfect timing).

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

to run or not to run?

If you know me at all, you know that I'm an aspiring runner.

(I use the phrase "aspiring" because I'm hoping to become stronger and faster over time... there is always room for improvement...)

This weekend I'll run my 3rd half-marathon. The race is in Athens, GA and I'll be running with the hubs for his first half. Although I'm really excited for the weekend (we're making it a mini-vacay), I'm really nervous about the race.

If you know me at all, you probably know I'm competitive... and I'm mostly competitive with myself.

My first 2 half-marathons were in Chattanooga. I'm so thankful to have a loyal running friend to make me run when I don't want to but also to push me. After my first half, I knew I wanted to run another but improve my time. Will was honestly worried what I would do if I didn't improve my time with the second race... He knew I'd not only be disappointed but I'd feel like a failure. Thankfully, I had a strong 2nd half-marathon and improved by a little over 2 minutes! (In running world seconds are hard to cut...let alone minutes... not bragging, just informing.)

The race this weekend is all about the hubs. I'm so proud of all the progress he has made in the past few months... even when we were running in the dead heat of summer. He may never run another half again, but he will know he can. If nothing else, we've dug the "runner" out of him. (Personal philosophy: There is a "runner" in us all...maybe another post, another day...)

I'm mostly nervous about Sunday morning because this season of training hasn't been easy. I'm not sure if it is running in the heat (the other half is in the winter) or if it is my lack of cross training...more than likely it is a combo of both. Either way, it means more pain. My joints, my muscles, my mind. I'm worried it'll be a terrible race day and I'll drag Will down (we've vowed to stick together...). I know he doesn't care but I do (see competitive comment above).

So here is to the next few days of balled nerves and knotted stomachs. I hope these feelings don't effect the weekend in Athens...but I'm sure I'll be worried until I cross the finish line...

Which brings me to my next overwhelming thoughts: do I run the Scenic City Half-marathon again in February? The hubs says body says no...but my competitive spirit says yes... who win will out?

Monday, October 15, 2012

back to blogging...

Well, here I am again...

Back on the blogging scene...

But this time I'm married...

I'm no longer in college ... and I'm not studying abroad and traveling the world either...

I don't live in a cute house... nor am I a new mom...

I'm not in grad school... nor in a new city...

I don't cook adventureous foods... nor am I gluten-free (yet)...

I'm just newly married.

I won't make any promises about this blog (we don't have internet in our apartment) but I will do my best to be honest about my life.

It isn't extra special, extra exciting or super funny...but I'm okay with that.

I'm just beginning to learn what it means to be Mrs. Dragoo...